from datetime import datetime from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import argparse from InquirerLib import prompt from InquirerLib.InquirerPy.utils import InquirerPyKeybindings from InquirerLib.InquirerPy.base import Choice from colorama import Style, Fore from utils import * import services prompt_key_bindings: InquirerPyKeybindings = { "toggle-all-true": [{"key": "a"}], "toggle-all-false": [{"key": "A"}], "toggle-all": [{"key": "i"}], } def get_command_line_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--level", help="Only perform checks if level <= rule_level. Default: 1", type=int, choices=[1, 2], default=1, ) parser.add_argument( "--ruleset", help="Use predefined bp rule sets. Please provide filename." ) parser.add_argument( "--show-all", help="Show all resources including compliant one.", action="store_true", ) return parser.parse_args() def ask_services_to_enable(bp): cli_questions = [ { "type": "checkbox", "message": "Select AWS Services to inspect.", "name": "services", "choices": [ Choice(service_name, enabled=bool(v["enabled"])) for service_name, v in bp.items() ], } ] answers = prompt(questions=cli_questions, keybindings=prompt_key_bindings) for service in bp.keys(): bp[service]["enabled"] = service in answers["services"] return bp def perform_bp_rules_check(bp, level=2): with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(_rule_check, service_name, service, level) for service_name, service in bp.items() ] [future.result() for future in futures] return bp def _rule_check(service_name, service, level): now = if not service["enabled"]: return if service_name == "Lambda": service_name = "_lambda" rule_checker = getattr(services, convert_snake_case(service_name)).rule_checker() for rule_name, rule in service["rules"].items(): if not rule["enabled"] or rule["level"] < level: continue rule["result"] = rule_checker.check_rule(convert_snake_case(rule_name)) elapsed_time = - now print(convert_snake_case(service_name), elapsed_time.total_seconds()) def show_bp_result(bp, level=2, show_all=False, excluded_resources={}): for service_name, service in bp.items(): if not service["enabled"]: continue print(f"{'=' * 25} {service_name + ' ':=<30}") for rule_name, rule in service["rules"].items(): if not rule["enabled"] or rule["level"] < level: continue if rule["result"].passed: style = Style.DIM color = Fore.GREEN mark = "✅" elif rule["level"] == 2 and not rule["result"].passed: style = Style.BRIGHT color = Fore.RED mark = "❌" elif rule["level"] == 1 and not rule["result"].passed: style = Style.NORMAL color = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX mark = "❕" print(f"{style}{rule_name:50}{Style.RESET_ALL} - {color}{mark}{Fore.RESET}") if show_all: for resource in rule["result"].compliant_resources: print(f" - {Style.DIM}{resource}{Style.RESET_ALL}") for resource in rule["result"].non_compliant_resources: if excluded_resources.get(resource) in [rule_name, "all"]: print(f" - {Style.DIM}{resource}{Style.RESET_ALL}") else: print(f" - {color}{resource}{Fore.RESET}") print() if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_command_line_args() excluded_resources = parse_excluded_resources() bp = load_bp_from_file(default_ruleset=args.ruleset) bp = ask_services_to_enable(bp) save_bp_to_file(bp) bp = perform_bp_rules_check(bp, level=args.level) show_bp_result( bp, level=args.level, show_all=args.show_all, excluded_resources=excluded_resources, )